Creating Sexual Ambiance

It's no secret that you guys want sex, so the question I have for you is, why aren't you sexualizing the situation? There are PUA's and players out there that want sex, but make elementary mistakes. What am I referring to? Wearing jerseys, dressing like a dork, going to huge parties, sports bars, running non-sexual routines, etc.

From start to finish, you should be sexualizing the situation. If it doesn't have anything to do with sexuality, then you should eliminate it if your goal is same night sex. Follow these guidelines to build sexual ambiance from start to finish:

Dress Sexually


I have never pulled a one-night stand when I didn't feel sexual myself. If you don't feel sexual in what you're wearing, then you're sending messages to yourself that you really don't expect to get laid. Not only that, but when brides look at you, you want them to look at you as a sexual guy.

How do you know if you're dressed sexually? A good way to tell is to compare yourself to men in softcore porn (Showtime, HBO). Those who dress these men are experts at depicting the sexual men that brides desire. Your clothes are a reflection of you, and if you're wearing a jersey or tie-dye shirt, you aren't exactly sending the message to brides that you are a sexual guy.

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Sexual Bars & Clubs

If you're looking for sex, then you definitely want to be going to bars & clubs that set the sexual tone. This means that dive bars, sports bars, etc. are out of question. Do you hear me? If you want sex, then when your friends suggest going to non-sexual bars, then you have to fight it.

So what are sexual bars & clubs? I already discussed the first type: dance clubs. When brides go to these places, they know that they might meet a really good dancer and be turned on by him. And the fact that they're dancing and sweating, helps your cause. Why? Because everyone knows that dancing and gyrating builds up your (and her) sexual temperature. All of your kino and pumping up her sexual temperature work is done for you.

The second type of sexual bar & club is the ambient classy bar. These types of bars look expensive, and usually have dimly lit colored lights and low playing jazzy/techno music playing in the background. In other words, these places look like they're right out of a soap opera.

This is to your advantage. What the club owner has done, is sexualized the situation for you. When a woman steps into one of these places, she's feeling sexual and like one of those princesses from one of those ritzy soap operas. You can tell because these brides get really dressed up and throw on their most expensive apparel.

And some of you guys may have noticed that if you're dressed right, brides in these places are more open to intimate conversation than what they would be at a dive or sports bar. Again, these places are designed this way on purpose.

Sexual Parties

Everyone knows that sex usually happens at the after party and not the packed super party. Why is this so? Sexual ambiance. The lights are usually dim, music playing low, and there aren't that many distractions. The tone is already set for sex, and this environment allows you to talk more intimately.

If your goal is sex, then super parties work against you. The loud music, constant chatter and distractions, are not helping you at all. It's difficult for a woman to be in a sexual mood when the environment is that of chaos.

Sexual Place of Living

Speaking of environment, let's talk about your home. I already discussed that being dressed sexually, and placing the woman in a sexual environment will increase the chances of her having sexual thoughts. And this is why your apartment or home should also be sexual.

In another post, I talked about how brides love soft surfaces, layers, architectural detail, and detailed accessories. Where am I going with this? Sports posters, dishes everywhere, unemptied trash, and cookie-cutter accessories are all going against your cause. Again, pay attention to the ritzy sexual soap operas and softcore porn, and notice how the apartments are richly decorated and lit.

Sexual Conversation

What makes sexual conversation acceptable, and more importantly, more effective? The environment. You already know that. When I go to a ritzy bar or am in a sexual environment with a female I want to have sex with, then I stick with a sexual tone of voice.

The expressive "out-there" funny guy is out of the picture. Sure, I may have my jokes, but the tone of them is very low. If a woman is in a sexual environment, feeling sexual, then why would I want to go against that? When she is in these sexual circumstances, she is more accepting of my sexual conversation and advances.

Think of it this way, when someone innocent is wrongly placed in a prison, they are likely to adopt a criminal mentality and do things that they wouldn't normally do in the outside world. This same principle applies to brides and sexuality. Place them in a sexual environment, set a sexual tone, and the chances of her rationalizing sexual acts increase.

If you want to have sex, then use sexual ambiance to your advantage. It's basic psychology. And remember, if you need help, pay attention to the ritzy sexual soap operas and softcore porn. The people who create these are professionals at figuring out psychological sexual triggers. Surround yourself with sexuality.