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  • Keresztnév: Sam
  • Vezetéknév: Marx

Sam Marx Nézetei

Creating Sexual Ambiance

Creating Sexual Ambiance

It's no secret that you guys want sex, so the question I have for you is, why aren't you sexualiz...
Great Sex Does Not Inspire Commitment

Great Sex Does Not Inspire Commitment

CG left a comment in the success story thread that is so epic and insightful, I have to share...
I FaceTime My Man But Hate Texting Him

I FaceTime My Man But Hate Texting Him

I used to enjoy texting. Then I got into a serious relationship with Stephen. The more he and...
What Is Attraction?

What Is Attraction?

Sexual attraction is probably the most basic ingredient in picking up women. And yet, it seems so...
What should you do if you are in love with someone else?

What should you do if you are in love with someone else?

Couples who have been together for an extended period of time naturally tend to become used t...

Sam Marx csoportjai

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One of the funny aspects of the story is that I knew INSTANTLY how C had heard the story. A and C weren’t close to each other, but both were close with D (who was the boyfriend of one of my best friends, and the chattiest gay man I have ever known). As soon as C said it, I knew that A had shared it with D, which was much less discreet than putting it on the front page of the daily paper. I was just thinking about this, and I realized that A is the last woman I ever cheated on. I hadn’t realized I was such a Boy Scout.

You probably give better advice than most paid advice columnists, right? Well, our token boy, Scott, is ready to take you up on that. Leave a comment with your advice. (Warning: You may wind up on a date with him.)

Scott's finally (maybe) ready to dive back into dating but he's still not sure what he's doing. So ladies, let's help him out.

Scott's question: "My housemate set me up with her assistant from work, and we hit it off immediately. Unfortunately, after a few dates, she told me she wasn't sure if she felt comfortable dating someone who knows -- and lives with -- her boss.

"Should I try to convince her that the situation isn't as complicated as she thinks, or admit that there's already too much baggage and simply move on? Is there a chance that she's using the scenario as an excuse to avoid saying 'I'm just not that into you'? After all, she knew the situation when she said 'yes' in the first place."

Ladies, let's help him out. Is she blowing him off or just scared? Should he give her another go or just say go away? Tell Scott -- and us -- what you think in the comments

But there will be Cads, and they will always represent exponentially more reproductive potential from the gene’s POV


The point of the post is that narcissism evolved as a way to keep short-term mating viable. Essentially, those men who preferred it, probably with high T and strong desire for sexual variety, learned to employ manipulation, deceit and coercion to get sex. That is still the model today.

“Prejudice against (lower status) men is exacerbated by

psychological ‘cheater detection’ mechanisms that ‘police’ the male

Dominance Hierarchy. This is by both men and women, and applies only to men because it’s in respect of status and not the equivalent measure of

rank in women.


The majority of men are, of necessity and quite literally, losers,

being disadvantaged in the most real sense living things can be.

Females can exploit their power of sexual choice to get males to

compete in ways that do things for them, and to respond to

complaints, however manufactured.

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